Client: Mitt Vatten | Agency: Hilanders B2B
A digital campaign created around the World Toilet Day – a UN initiative addressing the lack of toilets in the third world. Some people are lucky enough to have clean water, great sewer systems and live in a relative abundance of toilets. But still, in 2015, 1/3 of the world’s population won’t have access to toilets at all. In Sweden, we’re so well-equipped that we use toilets for numerous purposes, not just ”number one and two”. In fact, Swedes treat toilets like garbage cans. Every year, 7 000 tons of trash ends up in our treatments plants. Meaning, all the excess junk – chemicals, medicines, plastics, you name it – ends up in lakes, rivers and seas.

A booklet with some toilet do’s and dont’s was produced and handed out at the event.
To shed light upon these issues Mitt Vatten asked for a campaign. However, toilets are not regarded as anything spectacular. In order to make them extraordinary we needed art. So, we gathered three artists and gave them one brief: to turn crap that people flush down their toilets, into art. In collaboration with Young Art – an agency for young Swedish artists – three photographers portrayed garbage found in treatment plants around Sweden. Their artwork was showcased in an online gallery named Skitgalleriet (”the Crap Gallery”) and kicked off our digital campaign.

Photography: Angelica Barat Valdes, Saga Wendotte & Caroline Nord
The whole shebang ended in a live exhibition on the World Toilet Day where people could buy the artwork and thereby contribute to the UN’s work for better access to toilets and clean water. The project gained a lot of attention in the media and Mitt Vatten got a nice way to address the importance of taking care of our toilets, sewer systems and natural resources.